Love God! Love People!

Caring Ministry

Cleveland First Baptist Church cares.
One of the greatest lessons taught by Jesus Christ is that we should care for one another in Christian love. At Cleveland First Baptist Church, we sincerely want to assist people in need, not only through our mission programs but also through one-on-one ministries where we can help and support individuals on a personal level.

Cleveland First partners with the White County Caring and Sharing, Inc., and the White County Food Pantry to help people with financial assistance and food.

We also have a minister of counseling who provides individual counseling at no charge.

White County Caring and Sharing, Inc., can be reached by calling their information number at 706-892-4806. Applications are taken online at and volunteers will review applications mid-month and end of month and will contact the applicant by email or phone with updates and schedules. 


White County Food Pantry is open on Monday - Friday, from 10:00 am to noon. You may contact them at 706-348-6225 for more information.

The Counseling Ministry offers biblically-based counseling, premarital, marriage and family counseling, and life coaching. There is no charge for these services. Call 706-865-2933 to make an appointment.